We fail – into His arms

We fail. Don’t need to say that twice for anyone to agree.

We can go from terrible fear – to great faith – to epic failure – all in the blink of an eye.

No one knew that better than Peter when Jesus called him to come out of the boat and walk on water.

When they first saw Jesus walking towards them on the lake, they were terrified. But immediately Jesus spoke to them and calmed their fears. Peter regained his courage and asked if he could join him on the water.

Peter’s faith rose enough for him to get out of the boat and begin to do the impossible. What incredible, rock-solid faith it took for him to do so – until he saw the wind and began to sink. Epic faith turned epic failure.

But what happened when Peter began to fail? Jesus immediately reached out His hand and caught Peter.

Peter literally failed – into the arms of Jesus.

May that give us courage today to get out of the boat and do the impossible – knowing He will catch us if we fail.

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